Medical Research Saves Lives

Medical research, particularly clinical research, has done more wonders for humanity than the original Seven Wonders of the World combined, enriching and saving untold lives every day. Increased human longevity, improved AIDs treatment, microsurgery, high blood pressure medication, and increasingly successful cancer treatments are some of the triumphs of this longstanding phenomenon.

The Next Big Cure

Medical research is a suite of clinical trials away. And DMRN will be around when it happens. Who knows, we might even play a huge role in putting the Human Genome Project to bed. But before that revolution sweeps the medical world, we will continue to work with our partners: sponsors, doctors, scientists, and volunteer trial participants to advance the frontiers of preventive medicine.

Pristine Data to Save the Day

Accurate data is a goldmine that sponsors rely on it for both observational and interventional studies. We keep the wheels turning by giving our sponsors access to a system of pre-screened researchers, helping to bridge the gap between sponsors, investigators and volunteer participants through public education/enlightenment programs that engender trust within the communities we serve.


With a mission statement of “Advancing Human Health”, Delaware Medical Research Network is a network that administers customizable clinical trials based on specific demographics or predetermined characteristics. We conduct researches to exacting standards, ensuring increased rigor and discipline through carefully designed pilot experiments.

Need a quick turnaround on cutting–edge medical research?

Delaware Medical Research Network is one call (1866 DEL MRN1) away.

If you have any questions regarding trial participation, take a moment to read through our Frequently Asked Questions