
Clinical trials are research studies designed to answer specific questions about investigational medications that may be the next big cure and benefit current research participants. These trials are designed to assess both the safety and effectiveness of a product and are carefully conducted under rigorous U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. fake rolex

Clinical trial participation – What to expect

As a clinical trial participant, you can expect to: реплики часов

  • Positively impact the health of millions, including friends and family.
  • Improve and educate yourself about your own health. replicas relojes
  • Gain access to quality medical care and medications not available through other means at reduced, or no, cost.
  • Receive financial compensation for time and travel.


Initial conversation by phone or in clinic with member of study team to tell you about the study opportunity.

Informed Consent

Informed Consent

Forms that explain your rights and obligations as a participant of the study.



Do you meet the basic study requirements?

Vitals, Labs, Medical History, Exams or other procedures may be conducted.

Enrollment / Randomization

Enrollment / Randomization

You are assigned to a treatment course, which could be placebo.

You and your doctor may not know what you receive.

Study Visits

Study Visits

These may be days, weeks, or months apart.

The study protocol outlines what happens at each visit, such as labs, physical exam, questionnaires, or other tests/procedures.

End of Study Treatment

End of Study Treatment

At this point, you may no longer receive the study treatment or placebo.

Follow-up Period

Follow-up Period

The study team may call you, or you may have occasional appointments to assess how you are doing after ending study treatment.



Your participation in the study has ended.

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